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If a national narrative is imagined and constructed, then someone must have created it. In this episode, we look at some of the guys who were at the center of it all, as well as ask where on earth this whole Viking thing came from.
Host: Klara Eriksson
Guest: Oskar Ehrnberg
This series is part of my capstone project for a Bachelor of Arts at Minerva Schools at KGI. Thanks to Professor Grace Woods-Puckett, my advisor, to Anda Yoshina and Mika Lanir for their valuable feedback, and to my sibling Eli Eriksson for helping me with ideation and support.
Thanks to my Journalism class for reading through and really pushing me to make this episode the best it could be.
Thanks to Oskar Ehrnberg for agreeing to be interviewed, and to my dad, Per-Erik Eriksson, and Teodor Westermark Fellenius for sending me recordings from across the world.
Special thanks to The Real Group and Anders Edenroth who let me use their recording of “Sverige” to introduce this whole thing. Tack, Anders!
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Oskar Ehrnberg, telephone conversation with Klara Eriksson, June 10, 2019.
Music and Videos
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