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Morale, success, and triumph. This is the story of pulled-up-by-the-bootstraps America, a nation with many formally distinct subsets. So why does everyone tell the same narrative?
Host: Klara Eriksson
Guests: Anda, Izzy Rousmaniere, Marlette Sandoval, Hana McMahon-Cole, Coby Andersson, Meredith Ramba
This series is part of my capstone project for a Bachelor of Arts at Minerva Schools at KGI. Thanks to Professor Grace Woods-Puckett, my advisor, to Mika Lanir, and Anda Yoshina for their invaluable feedback, and to my mom and dad for patiently listening to my rants, and feeding me while my brain is on intellectual adventures of its own.
Thanks to Nikesh Shrestha for helping me manage social media and other things I don’t understand.
Special thanks to Anda, Izzy Rousmaniere, Marlette Sandoval, Hana McMahon-Cole, Coby Andersson, and Meredith Ramba for agreeing to be interviewed for this episode and turning off their ACs for the benefit of my microphone. Also thanks to Benjamin Chen, Eric Lin, and Trent Hommeyer for lending their voices to the Great Men of the Past.
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The United States. Elementary And Secondary Education Act of 1965 : H. R. 2362, 89th Cong., 1st Sess., Public Law 89-10. Reports, Bills, Debate, and Act. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1965.
“What Are the State’s Course Requirements for High School Graduation?” High School Graduation Requirements. Education Commission of the States, February 2019. https://c0arw235.caspio.com/dp/b7f930000e16e10a822c47b3baa2.
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Xiang, Lin. “Post-Sixties Narratives in Contemporary American Cultural Criticism.” Comparative Literature: East & West 2, no. 2 (2018): 110–23. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/25723618.2018.1545882.
Anda Yoshina, interview by Klara Eriksson, Buenos Aires, April 4, 2019.
Coby Anderson, telephone conversation with Klara Eriksson, April 11, 2019.
Hana McMahon-Cole, interview by Klara Eriksson, Buenos Aires, April 2, 2019.
Isabel Rousmaniere, interview by Klara Eriksson, Buenos Aires, April 12, 2019.
Marlette Sandoval, interview by Klara Eriksson, Buenos Aires, February 1, 2019.
Meredith Ramba, interview by Klara Eriksson, Buenos Aires, April 10, 2019.
Music and Videos
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Cody Fry, “Peace Like A River,” Peace Like A River, Musicbed, online. https://www.musicbed.com/songs/peace-like-a-river/16423.
Culture Vannin. “Mera Royle: ‘Auldyn River’.” YouTube video, 3:33. Aug 22, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt0WWPwruZA.
David A. Molina, “Origin,” Origin, Musicbed, online. https://www.musicbed.com/songs/origin/33389.
PeriscopeFilm. “Crusaders of the Sky – World War I 22660.” YouTube video, 10:02. Aug 9, 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4UU2mECcJM&list=PLqqqqZrD37h52u18MJYiSZWCCCyAg9vLH&index=2.
PeriscopeFilm. “SERVICE WITH THE COLORS – 1940 U.S. Army Recruiting Film 2649.” YouTube video, 20:38. Nov 2, 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErGPOGRBT-c&feature=youtu.be&t=40.
Shawn Williams, “Amber Light,” Amber Light, Musicbed, online. https://www.musicbed.com/songs/amber-light/38068.
SullenToys.com. “Martin Luther King – I Have A Dream Speech – August 28, 1963.” YouTube video, 17:28. Jan 20, 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEqnnklfYs&feature=youtu.be&t=144.
Summer Kennedy, “Oh My My – Instrumental,” The Bright Side, Musicbed, online. https://www.musicbed.com/songs/oh-my-my-instrumental/33070.
TheSpearshaker1776. “American Revolutionary War Ballad: Free America.” YouTube video, 2:22. Feb 20, 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8Q5ZwBgGaA&feature=youtu.be&t=19.
TheLBJLibrary. “Signing of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 4/11/65.” YouTube video, 6:46. Aug 30, 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8Q5ZwBgGaA&feature=youtu.be&t=19.
Tony Anderson, “Hope,” Hope, Musicbed, online. https://www.musicbed.com/songs/hope/3997.
Tony Anderson, “Nocturne in Paris,” Chasm, Musicbed, online. https://www.musicbed.com/songs/nocturne-in-paris/33972.
VintageMusicFm. “Connie Boswell & Bing Crosby – Alexander´s Ragtime Band.” YouTube video, 2:39. Nov 20, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQvSSvb4MbM.
West Point Band. “Patriotic Medley | West Point Band Bicentennial.” YouTube video, 7:33. Jun 29, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjT2gDnaaGc.